Tag Archives: Apple iPad Pro

Apple iPad Pro 2018

Apple iPad Pro 2018

Apple always knows about their trend setter. Apple always launches their all product with new and innovative features from their last product. We cannot compare apple products with other bands because give best to their users and first into the market.

iPad Pro

Apple iPad Pro Picture If we talk about Apple new product iPad Pro, which have some really amazing features and which can change entire market. It cover market very soon because it make life easy for everyone. It has iOS 10.3.2 processor with 4 GB RAM. In this iPad camera quality is nice because of 12 MP primary and 7 MP secondary camera is available.  Like same many upgraded applications and features.


iPad Pro 2018

But now Apple is working on their new “Modern” iPad, which will be launched in 2018. It is interesting that Apple first time using codename “Modern”. Market says that it have facial recognition feature. Even it have beta of iOS 11.3.

iPad Pro 2018 article